20 Gorgeous Shade-Tolerant Flowering Vines To Add Vertical Color And Texture To Your Shady Garden

If you too enjoy this dream, and you want to realize it you will need some shade-tolerant flowering vines.

In Nature, some vines grow on tree trunks, especially in tropical forests. This has given rise to a fair number of garden varieties and cultivars that you can grow in that poorly lit part of your garden. And they are great companions to relax with away from the heat of the summer Sun.

Whether your have a gazebo, trellis, pergola, arbor or fence that needs some colorful vine and life and it’s in the shade your troubles are over. Why?

There are lots of possibilities for flowering climbers that will thrive nicely in the low-light areas of your garden.

Here are the 20 most beautiful shade-loving flowering vines, along with a guide to when they bloom and gardening ideas for how and where you should consider planting these blooming beauties.

I bet you are surprised to find roses and wisteria in this list! Yet it’s correct, but let’s talk about light and shade in gardening terms first, because most people are mistaken about what we mean…

Vines, Sun and Shade

Vines, Sun And Shade

Top 20 Prettiest Flowering Vines for Shade

Always with colorful blooms and often with fragrant flowers as well, these 20 vining flowering vines will turn that sad and shady spot that’s troubling you into a corner of paradise you’ll be proud of.

1. Chinese Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis)

Chinese Wisteria

Wisteria is the queen of flowering vines, and the Chinese variety can grow in partial shade (as well as full Sun).

We all know how beautiful the fragrant blooms of this spectacular winding vine are; they are the subject of many pictures, videos and of legend, literally!

2. Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata)

Chocolate Vine (Akebia Quinata)

Chocolate vine is a wonder of Nature and you can even grow it even in full shade! So, if your spot is really on the dark side – well, how about a semi evergreen climber with light green leaves that look like clover and amazing dark purple hanging flowers with three petals each?

3. Clematis (Clematis spp.)

Clematis Vines Growing on Pergola and Fence

Clematis is yet another classic perennial vine that likes to grow in partial shade.

Even more, it likes to have its “feet cold”; the base of the plant and the roots need to be fresh and away from direct Sun.

4. Dipladenia (Madenvilla boliviensis)

Mandevilla Plant Against a Brick Wal

Dipladenia is becoming all the rage where I live, and it too will like some shade. The funnel shaped flowers if this twining vine can be 3 inches across (7.5 cm).

5. Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans)

Campsis Radicans

Light up that corner in the shade at the back of your garden with the bright orange trumpet shaped flowers of this beautiful and fast-growing perennial vine.c.

6. Spurred Butterfly Pea (Centrosema virginianum)

Spurred Butterfly Pea (Centrosema virginianum)

Spurred butterfly pea has large lavender flowers that hang upside down on rich elliptical vining foliage and it will like a bit of shade as well.

7.Cross Vine (Bignonia capreolata)

Cross Vine (Bignonia capreolata)

Let me introduce you to another lesser known climbing perennial with beautiful flowers that appreciates some shade: cross vine. It is a woody wine that grows fast and clings to supports naturally.

It produces lovely dark green compound foliage. But by spring it will fill with fragrant and showy trumpet shaped flowers. You won’t miss them, because they are bright yellow, red and orange!

Cross vine is excellent to cover walls and unsightly structures, because its foliage is thick and it grows fast. And as you know, these ugly walls and structures tend to hide in shady corners…

8. American Groundnut (Apios americana)

20 Gorgeous Shade-Tolerant Flowering Vines To Add Vertical Color And Texture To Your Shady Garden 1

Here we go with another unusual blooming climber you can grow in partials shade: American groundnut! This top has pea like flowers, but they are fleshy and fragrant too.

9. Virgin’s Bower (Clematis virginiana)

Clematis Virginiana

Virgin’s bower is a cold hardy and shade-loving climber that outs on a “nuptial” show even where light isn’t strong. It looks a bit like a bride walking to the altar, as it fills with a sea of fragrant white flowers like starlets or pearls over the light green foliage.

10. Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia macrophylla)

Aristolochia gigantean / Giant Dutchman’s Pipe

Dutchman’s pipe is the best climber to grow for an original and exotic looking area in partial shade. The leaves are heart shaped, green, tender looking and huge! This vigorous vine can be a foot long (30 cm).

11. Swamp Leatherflower (Clematis crispa)

Swamp Leatherflower (Clematis Crispa)

Swamp leatherflower a.k.a. blue jasmine is actually an unusual clematis of the “virona group” with nodding bell shaped flowers that enjoys some shade.

12. Common Hop (Humulus Lupulus)

Common Hop (Humulus Lupulus)

Have you thought about growing fragrant hop in your garden? It won’t mind a bit of shade! This beautiful and useful climber grows fast, covering fences and pergolas with rich foliage with a year.

13. Prairie Rose (Rosa setigera)

Prairie Rose (Rosa setigera)

Yes, you can even grow climbing roses in partial shade! Some roses are in fact perfectly fine with it, especially vining ones. And prairie rose, with its beautiful natural look is one of my favorites.

14. Carolina Jasmine (Gelsemium sempervivirens)

Carolina Jasmine

Even in partial shade, Carolina jasmine is very generous with its massive and fragrant blooms! This twining vine fills with a sea of butter yellow trumpet shaped flowers from late winter and it keeps giving till the end of spring!

15. Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)

Honeysuckle / Woodbine Flowers

Honeysuckle is the classical looking vine for partial shade you want if have a natural looking garden and you want a fine and elegant effect.

16. Atlantic Pigeon Wing (Clitoria mariana)

Atlantic Pigeon Wing (Clitoria mariana)

Atlantic pigeon wing is an ideal climber for a small space in partial shade. The flowers come in summer and they are quite original…

17. Wild Potato Vine (Ipomoea pandurata)

Ipomoea Pandurata

Lacking full Sun does not mean not having showy flowers and wild potato vine proves it! This close relative or morning glory has large funnel shaped blooms with a deep magenta center and white outer parts of the joint petals.

18. Butterfly Vine (Mascagnia Macroptera)

Butterfly Vine (Mascagna macroptera)

Butterfly vine can turn any area in part shade into a real original spectacle. This climber has very weird flowers in fact. They are canary yellow and the petals are thin at the base then form round spherical shapes.

19. Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)

Trachelospermum Jasminoides

You can brighten up patios and gazebos in part shade with star jasmine, and also fill that space with the most intoxicating jasmine fragrance.

20. Sweet Peas (Lathyrus spp.)

Sweet Peas (Lathyrus Spp.)

Sweet peas are a whole world of climbing colors and sweetness, and they don’t mind partial shade

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