How to Grow and Care for Hoya Plant

Hoyas, also called wax plants, porcelain flowers or honey plants, are a plant native to Asia that is related to milkweed plants and features fragrant, easy-care tropical flowers that grow in spherical clusters. The plants form woody stems with waxy leaves that remain evergreen.

You can train a Hoya plant as a vine or let it hang over the side of the container. In any case, expect the total length or height of the plant to be 2 to 4 feet. Hoyas require up to six hours of bright, indirect sunlight daily, moderately moist, well-drained soil that should dry out between watering, moisture, or regular misting, and balanced fertilization monthly.

Hoya CareHere are the main care requirements for growing hoyas:

Plant outside in spring or early summer in a location with bright, indirect light.Place your Hoya plant in a hanging basket or let it hang from a small trellis to create a vertical accent in your tropical container garden.Provide the Hoya plant with moist conditions, which may include placing it next to a pond, fountain, or other water feature.Prefers moderately moist, well-drained soil; Allow it to dry between waterings.Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer once a month.

LightHoyas thrive best when exposed to bright, non-direct sunlight for at least two to six hours a day.

FloorHoyas like to be planted in a well-drained, light soil mix with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.1-7.5).

WaterHoyas should be watered weekly and allowed to dry completely between waterings. If they get too much moisture, the roots will rot.

Temperature and humidityAs a tropical plant, Hoyas thrive in warm and humid climates.

fertilizerHoyas should be fertilized monthly; The International Hoya Association recommends feeding them with a fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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