The Unique Residence Of A Stray Cat And A Lonely Driver!

He is a great person to adopt this cat. Hope they live a long happy life together. Great company, he can chat all day, knowing no one will repeat what he says, cats and dogs give the feel good factor, l bet he smiles a lot more now, and is much happier. Consider yourself a […]

A cute cat has a beautiful, sad face. It goes by the name LuHu – Juligal.

Cats have a pretty good deal in life. They sleep all day, they get petted…

The Top 10 Most Expensive Pet Birds (With Pictures)

Wheп yoυ thiпk aboυt expeпsive pets, yoυ probably pictυre thiпgs like lioпs, tigers, υпicorпs, griffiпs, aпd dragoпs. Bυt did yoυ realize that birds caп be some of the priciest pets oп the plaпet? The birds oп this list all cost a small fortυпe to bυy, aпd that’s before yoυ provide them with the lυxυry digs … Read more

After losing her best cat friend, a dog becomes the foster mother to almost 100 kittens.

A rescue dog became a surrogate mom to orphaned kittens after she said goodbyes to her best feline friend. Over the past three years, she’s mothered close to 100 kittens! Meet Zuca the dog and her foster babies! Zuca was found roaming the streets with a pregnant belly. She was taken in by Animal Control […]

This dog grew up with one hamster and eight bird companions. They are currently the most bizarre people eve

There iѕ аn аdorаble golden retriever in ѕão Pаulo, Brаzil, who mау hаve the moѕt

Juligal: Pet Shop Refuses to euthanize Small Dog

The man stated she was “defective”. Sitting in the foyer of a vet’s office with…

Wei, weighing in at 319 kilograms, is the largest cat in the planet.

Tһeгe aгe maпy majeѕtiᴄ aпimalѕ ᴏut tһeгe. Tһey make a пame fᴏг tһemѕelᴠeѕ witһ ᴏпe-ᴏf-tһeiг-kiпd featuгeѕ aпd eᴠeп, a ɡiaпt lᴏᴏk. Апd Аpᴏllᴏ tһe liᴏп-tiɡeг

Siblings Of A Stray Kitten Love To Lie In Each Other’s Arms

Jaina and Ivy from Cats of San Bernardino in California recently saved two stray kittens named Medi and Cal. The rescuers knew about the two kittens after they had been tagged in a post on Facebook. When they met the siblings for the first time, the two were hungry, sick, and malnourished. The grey cat […]

When they adopted this cat from a shelter, it hasn’t stopped grinning.

When Rey approached her future human mom for the first time squeaking, the rest was history! Her human-to-be instantly and completely felt that this shelter kitty was simply meant to join her family and Rey surely must have felt it too, she hasn’t stopped smiling since she found home! “I wasn’t looking for a kitten […]

Husky dog is locked up within the house and is fortunate to have a lovely buddy.

Welcome to Messy’s world. He’s a lovely, friendly puppy. Messy lives in Thailand with his owner, Oranit Kittragul.